Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California Riverside

Lab Press

Tread lightly to protect California's Superblooms
California’s superblooms are amazing, but also fragile. Researchers have guidance for how to preserve the native flowers and landscape for the future....Read More

Invasive Species' Effect on Kangaroo Rat Habitat
A look at the invasive species that affect the wildlife that inhabit Western Riverside's native ecosystems and what RCHCA's land managers are doing, in partnership with plant biologists from UC Riverside, to combat their negative effects. See more

Pretty looks can be deceiving
A field of yellow, ball-shaped flowers beckons. It’s pretty to look at and one is tempted to walk through it expecting to inhale a pleasing aroma. Not so fast! ...Read More

UCR ecologists work toward post-fire rebirth of healthy landscapes
The worst fire impacts this year are predicted to hit Northern California’s higher elevation forests and Southern California’s chaparral-clad mountainous National Forest lands. To aid recovery, UC Riverside ecologists are collaborating with the US Forest Service ... Read More